Are you afraid of dating a strong independent woman? Are you a strong independent woman that finds it hard to date because men are too intimidated by you? Then this episode is for you! Barbie, Steve, and Nick talk with our guest, Nicole Anderson about her experiences in the dating world as a strong independent woman.

Nicole Anderson Barbie Does DatingNicole Anderson is currently single (as of the posting of this podcast), but has been independent and on her own for years. Involved in film production and media creation for years, Nicole has an outgoing, fun personality, and knows when to take life seriously (which isn’t very often). With the self described sense of humor of a 15 year-old boy, Nicole enjoys making independent films, when she is not producing content for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Check out her blog, or her profile on mutual.

Even if you find dating independent strong women a good thing, this episode is for you as not everyone sees this issue the same way. Give it a listen, and then leave a review on iTunes!